My Amazing Book of Art & Activity Book

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My Amazing Book of Art & Activity-A [Navdeep Publications ]
ISBN NUMBER : 9788175693913 PRICE : ₹ 280
Chapter-1 TortoiseChapter-2 DuckChapter-3 DolphinChapter-4 An UmbrellaChapter-5 PeacockChapter-6 TigerChapter-7 LionChapter-8 A DogChapter-9 DinosaurusChapter-10 CatChapter-11 Lock and KeyChapter-12 Table lampChapter-13 AeroplaneChapter-14 ShipChapter-15 Christmas treeChapter-16 AngelChapter-17 Birthday cakeChapter-18 CaterpillarChapter-19 SnakeChapter-20 Ice creamChapter-21 BallsChapter-22 LandscapeChapter-23 Lady bugChapter-24 FlowersChapter-25 TruckChapter-26 Sweet homeChapter-27 ButterflyChapter-28 A boy
Description :
My Amazing Book of Art and Activity is a fascinating series of books that provides an intense blend of Art and craft activities to let young children improve their cognitive abilities and creative expressions. The Art section of each book starts with simple drawing and colouring activities. The craft section includes activities that let the children work with various materials easily available in their surroundings.
My Amazing Book of Art & Activity-B [Navdeep Publications ]
ISBN NUMBER : 9788175693920 PRICE : ₹ 280
Chapter-1 FawnChapter-2 FishChapter-3 WhalesChapter-4 DogChapter-5 LionChapter-6 An elephantChapter-7 SwanChapter-8 Alarm clockChapter-9 CatChapter-10 CowChapter-11 A girlChapter-12 Still lifeChapter-13 HelicopterChapter-14 Cup and saucerChapter-15 PaintChapter-16 Christmas treeChapter-17 ShipChapter-18 Lady bugChapter-19 FlowersChapter-20 PeacockChapter-21 TulipChapter-22 OrangeChapter-23 HillsChapter-24 CarrotChapter-25 Jungle boyChapter-26 ManChapter-27 Jerry (A cartoon character)Chapter-28 Doraemon
Description :
My Amazing Book of Art and Activity is a fascinating series of books that provides an intense blend of Art and craft activities to let young children improve their cognitive abilities and creative expressions. The Art section of each book starts with simple drawing and colouring activities. The craft section includes activities that let the children work with various materials easily available in their surroundings.
My Amazing Book of Art & Activity-C [Navdeep Publications ]
ISBN NUMBER : 9788175693937 PRICE : ₹ 280
Chapter-1 Primary ColorsChapter-2 ShapesChapter-3 A TreeChapter-4 A GiraffeChapter-5 A GoatChapter-6 A CrocodileChapter-7 A RabbitChapter-8 PoohChapter-9 A CatChapter-10 An OwlChapter-11 A DinosaurChapter-12 A PenguinChapter-13 DolphinsChapter-14 A SnakeChapter-15 A TigerChapter-16 A KangarooChapter-17 A ParrotChapter-18 Turtle and a FishChapter-19 A ManChapter-20 A BoyChapter-21 A FamilyChapter-22 SantaChapter-23 A SailboatChapter-24 Chick and a SailboatChapter-25 Hen with ChicksChapter-26 JokerChapter-27 Mowgly (jungle boy)Chapter-28 Design with Dots
Description :
My Amazing Book of Art and Activity is a fascinating series of books that provides an intense blend of Art and craft activities to let young children improve their cognitive abilities and creative expressions. The Art section of each book starts with simple drawing and colouring activities. The craft section includes activities that let the children work with various materials easily available in their surroundings.
My Amazing Book of Art & Activity-1 [Navdeep Publications ]
ISBN NUMBER : 9788175693845 PRICE : ₹ 285
Chapter-1 A 3D HandChapter-2 HelicoptorChapter-3 Santa ClausChapter-4 CockChapter-5 Ice CreamChapter-6 Christmas TreeChapter-7 A SnowmanChapter-8 ReindeerChapter-9 Santa ClausChapter-10 An AppleChapter-11 A LeafChapter-12 A FlowerChapter-13 A DogChapter-14 An ElephantChapter-15 FlowersChapter-16 Textile DesignChapter-17 An OwlChapter-18 Abstract ArtChapter-19 Dragon FlyChapter-20 A HutChapter-21 A PotChapter-22 Border Design
Description :
My Amazing Book of Art and Activity is a fascinating series of books that provides an intense blend of Art and craft activities to let young children improve their cognitive abilities and creative expressions. The Art section of each book starts with simple drawing and colouring activities. The craft section includes activities that let the children work with various materials easily available in their surroundings.
My Amazing Book of Art & Activity-2 [Navdeep Publications ]
ISBN NUMBER : 9788175693852 PRICE : ₹ 285
Chapter-1 Flower Wall HangingChapter-2 SteamerChapter-3 MushroomsChapter-4 A Singing BirdChapter-5 The SunChapter-6 CompositionChapter-7 Border Cut WorkChapter-8 Design with DotsChapter-9 A BookmarkChapter-10 An UmbrellaChapter-11 BicycleChapter-12 A TreeChapter-13 A PotChapter-14 Fresco PaintingChapter-15 Photo FrameChapter-16 A WhaleChapter-17 A DogChapter-18 A PeacockChapter-19 A TreeChapter-20 TigerChapter-21 Textile DesignChapter-22 Border Design
Description :
My Amazing Book of Art and Activity is a fascinating series of books that provides an intense blend of Art and craft activities to let young children improve their cognitive abilities and creative expressions. The Art section of each book starts with simple drawing and colouring activities. The craft section includes activities that let the children work with various materials easily available in their surroundings.
My Amazing Book of Art & Activity-3 [Navdeep Publications ]
ISBN NUMBER : 9788175693869 PRICE : ₹ 285
Chapter-1 A BirdChapter-2 Humming BirdChapter-3 FishChapter-4 Kitten with a Wool BallChapter-5 DesignChapter-6 A SnakeChapter-7 The BookmarkChapter-8 Composition of FruitsChapter-9 Guards of the KingChapter-10 The Flower PlantChapter-11 TigerChapter-12 FoliageChapter-13 The FaceChapter-14 A LandscapeChapter-15 The GiraffeChapter-16 A TortoiseChapter-17 The OwlChapter-18 KingfisherChapter-19 Textile DesignChapter-20 Flower GardenChapter-21 The Dancers
Description :
My Amazing Book of Art and Activity is a fascinating series of books that provides an intense blend of Art and craft activities to let young children improve their cognitive abilities and creative expressions. The Art section of each book starts with simple drawing and colouring activities. The craft section includes activities that let the children work with various materials easily available in their surroundings.
My Amazing Book of Art & Activity-4 [Navdeep Publications ]
ISBN NUMBER : 9788175693876 PRICE : ₹ 285
Chapter-1 FishChapter-2 Modern ArtChapter-3 Girl with an UmbrellaChapter-4 Bicycle RiderChapter-5 CrocodileChapter-6 BookmarkChapter-7 Flower Wall HangingChapter-8 Design with DotsChapter-9 Border Cut WorkChapter-10 SeascapeChapter-11 PeacockChapter-12 FrogsChapter-13 FlowerChapter-14 DinosaurChapter-15 SunflowerChapter-16 Fresco PaintingChapter-17 Flower GardenChapter-18 PotChapter-19 Textile DesignChapter-20 Flying BirdChapter-21 Bunch of GrapesChapter-22 Necklace
Description :
My Amazing Book of Art and Activity is a fascinating series of books that provides an intense blend of Art and craft activities to let young children improve their cognitive abilities and creative expressions. The Art section of each book starts with simple drawing and colouring activities. The craft section includes activities that let the children work with various materials easily available in their surroundings.
My Amazing Book of Art & Activity-5 [Navdeep Publications ]
ISBN NUMBER : 9788175693883 PRICE : ₹ 285
Chapter-1 The BookmarkChapter-2 CompositionChapter-3 CompositionChapter-4 CompositionChapter-5 SeagullChapter-6 Design with DotsChapter-7 Design with DotsChapter-8 Border Cut WorkChapter-9 Bunch of FlowersChapter-10 The FaceChapter-11 A RabbitChapter-12 The HutChapter-13 The TreeChapter-14 FlowersChapter-15 NecklaceChapter-16 The ChickChapter-17 The FishChapter-18 FoliageChapter-19 Abstract DesignChapter-20 Poster DesignChapter-21 LandscapeChapter-22 Border Design
Description :
My Amazing Book of Art and Activity is a fascinating series of books that provides an intense blend of Art and craft activities to let young children improve their cognitive abilities and creative expressions. The Art section of each book starts with simple drawing and colouring activities. The craft section includes activities that let the children work with various materials easily available in their surroundings.